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First Webinar of the Series of Inter-American Conferences: Persons deprived of freedom and COVID-19


San José, Costa Rica, May 22, 2020 


Today, the first Webinar of the Series of Inter-American Conferences entitled Persons deprived of freedom and COVID-19, organized by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, was held. More than 4,000 people participated through our various platforms, connecting via ZOOM, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

At the opening of the Conference, Judge Raúl Zaffaroni of the Inter-American Court highlighted the importance of analyzing, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation of people who are deprived of their freedom. The Inter-American Court recently issued Declaration 1/2020Covid-19 and Human Rights: The Problems and challenges must be addressed from a human rights perspective and with respect for international obligations.

“We are experiencing an emergency that highlights pre-existing social problems. There are pre-pandemic phenomena exacerbated by the COVID-19 situation. Ideas contrary to human rights have been spreading throughout the region for decades, and have facilitated the idea of mass incarceration,” said Judge Zaffaroni.

En el Panel participaron:

  1. Ana Isabel Garita, Exministra de Justicia de la República de Costa Rica.
  2. Daniel Erbetta, Ministro de la Corte Suprema de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Catedrático de Derecho Penal de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
  3. Leonor Arteaga, Directora de Programas de Due Process of Law Foundation. Comisionada de la Comisión Nacional de Búsqueda Personas Adultas Desaparecidas en Conflicto Armado El Salvador.
  4. Luis Carlos de Valois, Juez de Ejecución Penal en Amazonas, Brasil.
  5. Luciana Simas, Integrante del Grupo de Investigación de Prisiones de la Fiocruz, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública.
  6. Fernando Tenorio Tagle, Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, México. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México.
  7. Alejandro W. Slokar, Juez de la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal de la República Argentina. Catedrático de Derecho Penal de las Universidades de Buenos Aires y Nacional de La Plata.
  8. Rollen Eddi Obregón Rodriguez, Investigador del Instituto Latinoamericano de Criminología y Desarrollo Social (INCRIDES).

La moderación estuvo a cargo de la Dra. Nadia Espina, Profesora Adjunta de Derecho Penal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

La grabación del Webinar se encuentra disponible AQUÍ.



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