San José, Costa Rica, October 27, 2021.- Today the Inter-American Court published the Case Law Bulletin of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights No. 34: Case Law of Guatemala. The purpose of this Bulletin is to disseminate the Contentious Case Law of the Inter-American Court regarding the Republic of Guatemala and, along with the Bulletins of El Salvador, Mexico, Panama and Honduras, is part of a series of publications that seeks to systematize the Court’s case law precedents by country, to facilitate access for those interested. View the Bulletin here.
The Bulletin is prepared as part of the “Strengthening the protection of human rights and the rule of law through jurisprudential dialogue, optimization of institutional capacities and compliance with the Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua” project, an agreement between the Inter-American Court and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE). The Inter-American Court is especially grateful for the generous support of the Swiss Cooperation Agency for the preparation and dissemination of this publication.