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Publication of the 22nd Case Law Bulletin of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights updated to 2021


San José, Costa Rica, August 5, 2021.- The Inter-American Court has published its 22nd updated version of Case Law Bulletin of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCER). This update incorporates the Court’s most recent decisions. The Bulletin is available here.

The purpose of the series of Case Law Bulletins of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is to publicize the principal lines of the Court’s case law on different issues of regional relevance and interest. The series is updated periodically, and relevant information can be found on the Court’s website and social media. This update has been produced thanks to the efforts of Dr. Claudio Nash, and a generous contribution from the German Cooperation Agency, GIZ and its DIRAJUS program, based in Costa Rica.