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Infograph about the Case of the Employees of the Fireworks Factory of Santo Antônio de Jesus and their families v. Brazil


San José, Costa Rica, June 25, 2021.- The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, alongside the Institute of Constitutional Studies of the State of Querétaro, have published an Infographic on the Case of the Employees of the Fireworks Factory of San Antônio de Jesus and their families v. Brazil. It can be accessed here.

The case has to do with the explosion of a fireworks factory in Santo Antônio de Jesús, that took place on December 11, 1998, in which 64 people passed away, and six survived, including 22 children. The Court determined that the State violated a variety of rights, and that the State had not guaranteed access to justice, nor determination of the truth of the facts, investigation, and punishment of those responsible, nor had it provided reparations for the consequences of the human rights violations that took place.

The Infographics published by the Inter-American Court use an educational approach that is accessible to the public to explain the Jurisdictional scope of the Court’s work to protect human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.