On June 8, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I/A Court H.R.) inaugurated in El Salvador for the third consecutive year the Refresher Course on the Case Law of the IACtHR with the participation of the President of the National Council of the Judiciary, María Antonieta Josa de Parada.
More than 70 officials will take part in this training process, including Judges, agents of the Attorney General’s Office and other important actors working to protect human rights in this country, and they will be able to increase their knowledge of the Inter-American System of Human Rights and the principal case law standards. The introductory module of the Course will be held virtually using the platform of the “Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo” Judicial Training Academy and will be imparted by Professor Claudia Martín.
The Course forms part of the project “Strengthening the Protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law through jurisprudential dialogue, optimization of capacities, and compliance with the Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras” signed by the IACtHR with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE). The project seeks to optimize the capacity of agents of the administration of justice to apply International Human Rights Law and the Case Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.