Montevideo, Uruguay, October 12, 2022. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is pleased to announce the publication of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Case Law Bulletin No. 38: Case Law relating to Uruguay, during the 153rd Regular Session held by the Court in the Republic of Uruguay on October 10 and 21, 2022. Download the Bulletin here.
This issue is dedicated to the Inter-American Court's Contentious and Advisory Case Law relating to Uruguay and is the eighth Bulletin in the series taking a systematic approach to the case law relating to a State.
We hope that this publication will serve to disseminate the Judgments of the Inter-American Court among the authorities, judges, officers of prosecutors and public defenders, academia, and civil society organizations in Uruguay and the region.
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ series of Case Law Bulletins aims to publicize the Court's principal case law on various topics of regional relevance and interest.