ABC de la Corte ENG v9

ABC of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights 2020 V. Periods of Sessions of the Inter-American Court 16 How many Periods of Sessions does the Court hold per year? 16 What does the Court do during Session Periods? 16 What are the Special Sessions of the Court away from its seat? 16 VI. Hearings 17 What are public hearings on contentious cases? 17 What are hearings on provisional measures? 17 What are hearings on supervision and compliance with judgments? 18 Are hearings public? 18 VII. Contentious Proceedings before the Court 19 How is a case brought before the Court? 19 When does the Court have jurisdiction to hear a case about a given State? 19 How long are the proceedings of a case before the Court? 19 What are amicus curiae ? 19 Who can submit an amicus curiae ? 19 Can the Court visit the territories of States? 21 What information about the Court is public? 21 VIII. Inter-American Defender and Victims’ Legal Assistance Fund 22 What is the Inter-American defender? 22 What is the purpose of the Inter-American Public Defender? 22 What is the victims’ legal assistance fund? 22 IIIX. Judgments 23 What is the delivery of judgments? 23 What is the quorum needed for the Court’s deliberations? 23 Are verdicts of the Court able to be appealed? 23 Are judgments of the Court binding? 23 What is the control of conventionality? 24 What is a vote on a Judgment? 24 What are interpretations of the Judgment? 24 IIX. Useful Links 25