ABC de la Corte ENG v9

ABC of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights 2020 Table of Contents I. Inter-American Human Rights System 6 What is the American Convention? 6 When did the American Convention enter into force? 6 Which States are part of the American Convention? 6 What are the rights and liberties enshrined in the American Convention? 7 What are the Additional Protocols to the American Convention? 7 What is the Inter-American System of Human Rights? 7 What organs comprise the Inter-American System of Human Rights? 8 What is the Inter-American Commission and what are its responsibilities? 8 II. Inter-American Court of Human Rights 9 What is the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and what are its responsibilities? 9 Which States have accepted the contentious jurisdiction of the Court? 9 Where is the headquarters of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights? 9 Why is the Court located in San José, Costa Rica? 9 What are the international instruments that control the operations of the Inter-American Court? 9 When did the current rules of procedure and statute of the I/A Court enter into force? 9 What is the composition of the Inter-American Court? 11 What is the Secretariat of the Court? 11 What was the budget that the OAS set for the Court in 2019? 11 What does the internship and visiting professional program entail? 11 III. About the Judges 12 How are the Judges of the Inter-American Court elected? 12 How long are the Judges’ terms of service? 12 How are the President and Vice-President of the Court decided,and how long are their terms? 13 Are Judges always at the headquarters of the Court? 13 Can the Judges decide cases concerning their nationalities? 12 IV. Functions of the Inter-American Court 14 What is the contentious function of the Court? 14 What are provisional measures? 14 What is the advisory function of the Court? 14 What does the supervision of execution of judgments entail? 14 Why does the Court conduct this process of supervision? 14