ABC de la Corte ENG v9

ABC of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights 2020 11 WHAT IS THE COMPOSITION OF THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT? The Court is composed of seven Judges, nationals of the member States of the OAS. The current composition includes the following, in order of precedence: Elizabeth Odio Benito (Costa Rica), President; Patricio Pazmiño Freire (Ecuador), Vice President; Eduardo Vio Grossi (Chile); Humberto Antonio Sierra Porto (Colombia); Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor Poisot (Mexico); Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni (Argentina), and Ricardo Pérez Manrique (Uruguay). WHAT IS THE SECRETARIAT OF THE COURT? The Secretariat is comprised of a Secretary and a Assistant Secretary, which provide legal and administrative support to the Court in its judicial work. The current Secretary is Pablo Saavedra Alessandri (Chile) and the Assistant Secretary is Romina I. Sijniensky (Argentina). WHAT WAS THE BUDGET THAT THE OEA SET FOR THE COURT IN 2019? The sum of ordinary and special income received by the Court during the 2019 fiscal year was US $6,460,402.11. The ordinary revenue, stemming from the regular fund of the OAS and approved by the General Assembly was US $4,635,200.00, representing 71.75% of the total revenue of the Court for that fiscal year. Special revenue came from the voluntary support of States, projects of international cooperation, and voluntary support from other institutions. In 2019 the sum total of special revenue was US $1,825,202.11, representing 28.28%. WHAT DOES THE INTERNSHIP AND VISITING PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM ENTAIL? The Program of Internships and Professional Visits at the Court offers students and professionals in the fields of law, international relations, political science, languages, and translation the opportunity to gain practical experience in the Inter-American System. This program aims to provide an understanding of the workings of the Inter-American System and relevant international instruments; share the activities of the Court; give selected participants relevant and practical experience that may complement their academic and professional training, which could be later applied in different work contexts after the internship or professional visit; and promote the participation of people of different nationalities and different legal systems. “The Court is composed of seven Judges, nationals of the member States of the OAS.”